Sunday, 13 January 2013

Buy a girl a drink first: Get to know me.

Hello My name is:

My name is Kaycia, I'm a 16 year old Liberal Feminist and A-level student studying Philosophy, English Language, Sociology and Media. I'm a Pescatarian (vegetarian but will eat fish) because of personal choices based on the theory of specism by Philosopher Singer. I live in a small town in the north of England (South Yorkshire) and am trying my hardest to make it in the fashion circuit. I currently write a fashion column for my college newspaper called TRAP. I have a huge interest and knowledge of the fashion industry and hope to move to London in years to come after studying journalism at university to become a fashion journalist or fashion editor. I'm an expert on nutrition and healthy living so if you have any questions please ask.  I have a boyfriend of 11 months whom i love very much and spend alot of my free time with.My personal style icons are: Zooey Deschanel, Celia Edel (Ceedling - Tumblr/youtube), Fearne cotton & Alexa Chung.

This blog will be a recap of my experiences & adventures in life on my way through education, Fashion,Healthy living and Social adventures on a whole.

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